Tom McCutcheon must really hate this horse

USEF Equestrian of the Year and double WEG gold medalist, Tom McCutcheon, prepares before winning the gold at the inaugural FEI World Reining Final in Malmö, Sweden in May 2011. On lookers were horrified at the training techniques applied to this horse and the video shows just why. In the frenzy to be a winner of the event, the horse’s welfare became irrelevant as he focuses on making the animal completely submit through repeatedly spurring, jerking on a spoon bit and applying pain and suffering that non-reining horse people had not ever witnessed before. The expression ‘willing guided’ takes on a new deplorable meaning. The NRHA continues to this day to hold Tom McCutcheon as one of the Top 20 Trainers in the world. A standard of horsemanship that many others would hold in contempt of their welfare statement.

Click here to read what is considered as horse abuse, watch the video and you may see the Reining Trainer Engima.

Have some news or video of reining horse abuse? We are building a case for reform on trainers and your contribution can assist. Click here to send us information.

If you would like to read the first hand accounts of what happens with the reining horses at FEI events, please read the book I Cant Watch This Anymore

This video is not available in some countries now you can watch it on youtube at watch?v=Vh0cvIA8pk8

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Martin Muehlstaetter demonstrates he can abuse a horse

At the FEI World Reining final warm-up, Martin Muehlstaetter took to this horse in full public viewing with his spurring, sawing and gouging like a possessed man. The excitement of a major show, the overwhelming desire to win at all costs, sees the horse suffer to a level that should have demanded his immediate dismounting of the animal and removal from the show. Cleary unable to rationalize right from wrong, this man now travels the world giving clinics on reining horse training and is upheld by the NRHA as one of the Top 20 Trainers in the world.

Is this what it takes to train a Reiner or is this a person that is incapable of controlling his emotions? Is this an association that condones horse abuse to keep the entertainment rolling and trainers flowing the cash through their tills?

It would seem that at these FEI world championships the world became aware of the horse abuse that has been occurring hidden away in niche show pens and barns for many a long year.

What actions are considered horse abuse? Click here to find out more.

Have some news or video of reining horse abuse? We are building a case for reform on trainers and your contribution can assist. Click here to send us information.

To read more about their warm-up pen performance, Read the Book “I Can’t Watch This Anymore” with first-hand accounts of what happened to the reining horses.



Nico Hörmann matches the US in horse abuse methods

Not to be outdone by his American competitors, Nico Hörmann demonstrates his talent in gaining total submission during the warm-up of the FEI World Reining Final Warm-up. In relentless style, this man abuses this horse under the guise of professional training talent and a standard that is accepted industry-wide. Working amidst the other horses it seems to be an accepted practice that you cannot achieve ‘willing guided’ without excessive spurring, sawing of mouths, and full-strength jerking of reins in a spoon or port bit. The horse must give in and be dictated to as if it is a robot there to serve the whim of the rider. Clearly, the interpretation of willing guided has shifted from graceful to absolute submission; a sad fact for the horse.

Top competition and huge prize money are seeing massive changes in how reining horse is being trained as trainers and owners demand faster results and look for shortcuts, and it’s only getting worse. Review the video from 2016 that shows a warm-up pen that you would see at any weekend show or major event.

What actions are considered horse abuse? Click here to find out more.

Have some news or video of reining horse abuse? We are building a case for reform on trainers and your contribution can assist. Click here to send us information.

Behind the Scenes of Reining Horse Fencing

Reining Horse Fencing

Have you ever wondered how they train horses to get that big sliding stop? Simple – run it flat out at a wall and if it hits it, that is okay.  That is called Reining Horse Fencing. This video shows reining trainers working their horses to build a stop on their horses. At some point in time, someone many years ago, decided that running into walls was a good idea. I remember seeing this for the first time at a futurity warm-up pen with a top trainer running his horse at a wall. The horse finally decided what he wanted and ran into the wall headfirst with his butt buried in the ground. The trainer patted him and sent the message ‘that’s it – hit the wall’. Now in any warm-up pen or at home on the ranch trainers use this technique.

Applying logic to the method would only get in the way of what is clearly a ridiculous training technique that is suffered by these magnificent animals. Only a reining horse would have the mind and lack of fight in it to accept this continuous training and become a submissive and robotic animal willing to do anything to avoid further abuse; no matter how much pain it suffers.

What actions are considered horse abuse? Click here to find out more.

Have some news or video of reining horse abuse? We are building a case for reform on trainers and your contribution can assist. Click here to send us information.